Virtual Lunch! @ Weekly From 12:00pm to 1:30pm

Join others in the community for a virtual lunch! There's no agenda -- just time for food and conversation. Show up late or leave early. Just pop in as your schedule permits! Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 404 770 3995One tap mobile+16465588656,,4047703995# US (New...

Virtual Lunch! @ Weekly From 12:00pm to 1:30pm

Join others in the community for a virtual lunch! There's no agenda -- just time for food and conversation. Show up late or leave early. Just pop in as your schedule permits! Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 404 770 3995One tap mobile+16465588656,,4047703995# US (New...

Virtual Lunch! @ Weekly From 12:00pm to 1:30pm

Join others in the community for a virtual lunch! There's no agenda -- just time for food and conversation. Show up late or leave early. Just pop in as your schedule permits! Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 404 770 3995One tap mobile+16465588656,,4047703995# US (New...

Virtual Lunch! @ Weekly From 12:00pm to 1:30pm

Join others in the community for a virtual lunch! There's no agenda -- just time for food and conversation. Show up late or leave early. Just pop in as your schedule permits! Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 404 770 3995One tap mobile+16465588656,,4047703995# US (New...

Virtual Lunch! @ Weekly From 12:00pm to 1:30pm

Join others in the community for a virtual lunch! There's no agenda -- just time for food and conversation. Show up late or leave early. Just pop in as your schedule permits! Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 404 770 3995One tap mobile+16465588656,,4047703995# US (New...

Agile Lunch Bunch @ Haynes Br/Ga400 (Improving)

NORTH WIND VI 11675 Rainwater Dr, Alpharetta, GA, us

Agenda begins with optional Lightning Talk "Openers" before moving into Lean Coffee format. If you want to propose a Lightning Talk, feel go with the standard Agile Alliance conference format of 3 min slideless, 5 slides in 5 min, or 7 min Pecha Kucha...

Virtual Lunch! @ Weekly From 12:00pm to 1:30pm

Join others in the community for a virtual lunch! There's no agenda -- just time for food and conversation. Show up late or leave early. Just pop in as your schedule permits! Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 404 770 3995One tap mobile+16465588656,,4047703995# US (New...

Virtual Lunch! @ Weekly From 12:00pm to 1:30pm

Join others in the community for a virtual lunch! There's no agenda -- just time for food and conversation. Show up late or leave early. Just pop in as your schedule permits! Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 404 770 3995One tap mobile+16465588656,,4047703995# US (New...

Quantum Agility: 3 Keys to Lasting Behavior Change

Online event

Speaker: Tina Rusnak Are you tired of trying the same old coaching tricks, but you’re still achieving the same disappointing results? As the saying goes, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, but expecting a different result.” If this...

Quantum Agility: 3 Keys to Lasting Behavior Change

Online event

Guest Speaker: Tina Rusnak Are you tired of trying the same old coaching tricks, but you’re still achieving the same disappointing results? As the saying goes, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, but expecting a different result.” If...